Monday, April 6, 2009

More Nationwide Networks

More Nationwide Networks

Saturday, April 04, 2009 Andy Seybold


I keep hearing that there will be problems resolving the first responder spectrum and the 700-MHz D Block that was not sold during the last auction. At the IWCE, several groups were quite vocal about convincing congress and the FCC to remove the D Block from the auction block and give it to the first responder community. The problem, I am told, is that the Democrats (those in power) were disappointed that a new nationwide wireless network provider did not win spectrum at the last 700-MHz auction. So, the reasoning goes, they will be loath to give up the possibility of a new nationwide provider entering the scene and going head to head with AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. They seem to think that more networks means less expensive services for customers, even though we already have some of the lowest wireless rates in the world. ...

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