Sunday, January 31, 2010

Trends in Public Safety Communications Technology Report

A Change in Perspective
...talked about fads, trends and principles, defining the concepts...
Is Radio Dead?
In the session, "The Ins and Outs of LTE for Public Safety," Robert LeGrande, the CEO of LeGrande Technical and Social Services and a former CTO for Washington, D.C., Diane Wesche of Verizon Wireless and Len Fatica of Alcatel Lucent brought the discussion from the abstract to the concrete. Long-term Evolution (LTE) is the standard that public safety leaders and organizations have agreed upon for the eventual build-out of a national public safety broadband network in the 700 MHz band of spectrum. ...
The FCC Weighs In
The new broadband network and how to fund it were also the primary focus of Admiral Jamie Barnett Jr.'s (Ret.) comments on Tuesday afternoon in the session, "Public Safety in a Broadband World." Barnett is the chief of the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. "We will not have a broadband network unless we have some funding," said Barnett. "It's an investment for a lifetime, and it will be another technology generation before we have this opportunity again." ...
Next Generation 9-1-1
According to the DOT's Research and Innovative Technology Administration, "The nation's current 9-1-1 system is designed around telephone technology and cannot handle the text, data, images and video that are increasingly common in personal communications and critical to future transportation safety and mobility advances. The Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG 9-1-1) initiative will establish the foundation for public emergency communications services in a wireless mobile society." ...
The Future Is Now
The summit wasn't all about the distant future. Several specific technology projects were described in sessions designed to let participants know what's currently being implemented with existing technology under today's standards. ...
Web 2.0
Another topic covered at the conference was the concept of Web 2.0 and how Twitter, social and professional networking sites, RSS feeds, blogs and more can be exploited by public safety. ...

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