Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28, 2011 8:00 am ET
... With respect to our next-generation public safety initiatives, during the quarter, we announced with Verizon Wireless a first-of-its-kind solution that combines a standards-based public safety broadband network tailored for mission-critical operations with the benefits of a leading public commercial broadband LTE network. As a result of this alliance, public safety agencies will benefit from economies of scale, site sharing, optimized network design and an open standards-based approach. The alliance allows agencies to supplement their mission-critical core platforms with the rich media services and the increased capacity and coverage of Verizon Wireless' public LTE network.
With bills now in the House and Senate in support of our first responder customers position, there is optimism about prioritization of the 700 MHz D block to public safety, which would efficiently and effectively double the spectrum available for a public safety-grade broadband data network. We've been investing in R&D for next-generation public safety for over 2 years, and our expertise in both public and private networks makes us uniquely qualified to deliver standards-based LTE solutions to our public safety customers. ...

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