Friday, March 2, 2007

Dingell comments raise questions about 700 MHz transition date

Dingell comments raise questions about 700 MHz transition date MRT (subscription) - Chicago,IL,USA ... earmarked to pay for the converter-box program, a public-safety interoperability grant program, some enhancements to 911 networks and deficit reduction. ... ...Democrats voiced this sentiment repeatedly a year ago, when the Republican-controlled Congress enacted a DTV transition plan requiring broadcasters to stop transmitting analog signals on Feb. 17, 2009. With broadcasters transmitting only spectrally-efficient digital signals, 84 MHz of new spectrum will be made available to wireless operators—24 MHz for public-safety entities and 60 MHz for commercial carriers, which would bid on the airwaves in an auction that must begin by Jan. 28, 2008...

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