Thursday, March 15, 2007

SKYPE Petitions FCC Regarding Consumer's Right to Open Access of Wireless Networks Click HERE to see all FCC Comments - enter "RM-11361" under "Proceeding" In a filing made by Skype to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that seeks to open wireless networks to all third-party software and hardware. This approach was codified in the landline world by the FCC in 1968, when the Carterfone decision said that any devices — not just those sold or sanctioned by the phone company — could be attached to a network as long as they did no damage. Skype wants the reasoning to be extended to wireless networks. Currently, carriers use all sorts of tricks to limit the choice consumers have and to squelch companies such as Skype. Opening the dialog about consumer rights on wireless mobile SKYPE ...We obviously want to run Skype on as many mobile devices as possible, and it would help us if the networks and devices were more open. ...

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