Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seybold's take: It's time for public safety to present a unified plan

Seybold's take: It's time for public safety to present a unified plan

...To start, almost all of the public-safety community is supporting a move to turn the D Block (the 700 MHz spectrum that was not won at auction) over to the Public Safety Spectrum Trust (PSST) to add to its existing 5X5 public-safety license. This would give the PSST 10X10, which is not only enough spectrum for major metro areas and to be used by public safety, it is enough for rural delivery of broadband education, health and other services as well. In the commercial world, AT&T, Verizon and probably others would back this proposal and both AT&T and Verizon have offered up their 5-9s back-end services. This means that the only thing the public-safety community would have to buy is the radio equipment for the new network....

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