Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Motorola realigns units, again

Motorola realigns units, again
Chicago Tribune - United States
Motorola combined the wireless equipment business--once a free-standing division--with its public safety radio business in early 2006. ...  
Motorola's third division will include its public safety radio business -- where it's a market leader -- and its "enterprise mobility" sector. The latter focuses on selling communications equipment to businesses and will now include Good, as well as Symbol Technologies, which Motorola bought last year for $3.9 billion.  Kathy Paladino, a former Symbol executive, will lead the segment encompassing Symbol and Good. Gene Delaney, a veteran of more than 20 years at Motorola, will head the public safety radio business. Both will report to Greg Brown, Motorola's chief operating officer. ...

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