Tuesday, March 30, 2010

McDowell sparks questions about narrowband 700 MHz
By Donny Jackson
During last week's hearing regarding the FCC's national broadband plan before a House subcommittee, the conversation predictably centered on a few key issues, including an idea to reclaim more TV broadcast spectrum, reforming the universal service fund and the proposed public-safetywireless broadband network. ...
That thud you just heard was the sound of elected officials, public-safety communications directors and frequency coordinators hitting the floor after feinting in incredulity over the notion that the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars spent nationwide on 700 MHz narrowband voice systems represents spectrum that is described as "sitting there." And the idea that at least one of five commissioners believes the narrowband spectrum upon which these systems are built should be put to other uses has to be unnerving to all involved in these
deployments. ...

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